Goat Addiction Opium 5*M (pending)

Born: 2/9/2020


Sire -Dill's ROR F I T with a Z.

SS - Zanzabeez River On The Rocks (Dill's PL Patron *B X Zanzabeez BC At The Rivers End)

SD -SGCH/MCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 @ 05-02, 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Senior Doe. (MI Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM ++*B *S X SG Dill's LD Remember 3*M 3*D).

​Dam - GCH Dill's TS Tequila Sunrise 4*M VEEE90 @ 05-00.

DS - Dill's D Two-Step +*B (Dill's LD Derringer ++B *S X SGCH NC Promisedland PAL Macarena 5*M VEEE91 @ 04-03, 1st place/1st udder at ADGA Nationals in 2010 & 2012)

DD - GCH/MCH Dill's TG Lucille Two 3*M VEVE90 @ 06-03 (Dill's LD Top Gun +B *S X MCH Gay-Mor's LR Kitty's Meow 2*M 2*D


Goat Addiction Mango Mimosa 1*M (pending)


Winning Streak CM Rayne Boots *B